Risk communication in the context of Zika virus


This document provides interim guidance for effective risk communication around Zika virus transmission and potential complications. Although Zika virus was first identified in humans in 1952, few outbreaks have been documented. Recently, increased rates of neurological complications including microcephaly and Guillain-Barré syndrome have been reported in the context of Zika virus outbreaks and increased circulation, particularly in the Americas. This interim guidance should be used as a reference for communicators from a range of sectors to align with ongoing Zika virus communication efforts.

Originador(es): World Health Organization - WHO
Recurso adicionado em: 16/11/2016
Idiomas disponíveis: Inglês
Infecção por Zika virus, Grupos de Risco, Epidemiologia, Zika virus, Prevenção de Doenças, Gestantes, Desenvolvimento Embrionário e Fetal
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