Comparison of a User-Centered Design, Self-Management App to Existing mHealth Apps for persons living with HIV

There is preliminary evidence that mobile health (mHealth) apps are feasible, attractive, and an effective platform for the creation of self-management tools for persons living with HIV (PLWH). As a foundation for the current study, we conducted formative research using focus groups, participatory design sessions, and usability evaluation methods to inform the development of a health management app for PLWH. The formative research resulted in identification of the following functional requirements of a mHealth app for self-management: (1) communication between providers and peers, (2) medication reminders, (3) medication log, (4) lab reports, (5) pharmacy information, (6) nutrition and fitness, (7) resources (eg, social services, substance use, video testimonials), (8) settings, and (9) search function. The purpose of this study was to conduct an ecological review of the existing apps for PLWH and to compare the functionality of existing apps with the app specifications identified in our formative work

Autor(es): Schnall, Rebecca, Mosley, Jocelyn Patterson, Iribarren, Sarah, Bakken, suzanne, Carballo-Diéguez, Alex, Brown III, William Originador(es): JMIR Publications
Recurso adicionado em: 22/09/2015
Idiomas disponíveis: Inglês
HIV, Aplicativos Móveis
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